using sql

** Slots examples
abstract class MyUser
  ** Fields
  Int age := 23 // field
  Bool? isInactive  // nullable field
  Str name // not null, will need to be assigned in ctor
  Str[] aliases := [,] // list of Str
  ** Field with manual getter/setter
  Int id := 0
    get { echo("get id"); return &id }
    set { echo("set id"); &id = it } // using field storage
  ** Method
  Void hello()  { echo("Hello") }

  ** Method with defaulted params
  Void hello2(Str first, Str last:="", Str middle:="")  
    echo("Hello $first $middle $last") 
  ** static method
  static Int add(Int a, Int b) { return a + b } // return optional when only one statement
  ** special "This" return type, allows method chaining like s := slots().addParam(p1).addParam(p2)....
  This addAlias(Str alias)
    return this

  ** abstract method to be impl. by subclass
  abstract Int implementMe(Str param)
  ** Virtual method : Has an implementation but specifically marked as an overridable class (Clean API's)
  virtual Void talk() { echo("Hello") }

  ** Overriding (override keyword)  
  override Str toStr() { "I'm a MyClass impl." }
  ** Operator overloading example  (called when using  myClass + Int)
  @Operator MyUser plusInt(Int x) { age+=x ; return this }
  ** Once method, automatically "lazy-cached"
  once Int expensiveComputation() {return 2548597.hash.pow(265489.hash)}
  ** Method calls
  internal Void methodCalls()
    hello // optional parenthesis if no args
    hello2("John", "Doe")
    Str? string := "Hello"
    string.capitalize // call
    string?.capitalize // safe call
    string->capitalize // dynamic call
    string?->capitalize // safe dynamic call
  ** Constructor
  new make(Str name, Int age:=30) { = name; i := age }
  ** Constructor
  new makeFromSql(Row sqlRow) { = sqlRow.get(sqlRow.col("name")) as Str ?: ""}
  Void ctorCalls()
    s := MySubUser.make() // ctor call
    s2 := MySubUser() // ctor call shortcut
    s3 := s2.addAlias("The Dude").addAlias("El Duderino")

** Contsructor chaining examples
class MySubUser : MyUser
  new make() : super("Sub User") {/*...*/}
  new makeFromSql(Row sqlRow) : super.makeFromSql(sqlRow) {/*...*/}
  new makeFromObj(Obj obj) : this.makeFromSql(obj->name) {/*...*/}
  override Int implementMe(Str param) { param.size }